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Jaws of Life

Updated at: 3:09 PM.
Under Category: holidays
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This holiday be the first on your block to experience the Jaws of Life. An expert crafted, unique design, tailored to allow you to rip away the klipah, outer-coating, that distorted mangled materialistic worldly garment you wear day-in and day-out, to finally rescue and expose your inner divine soul.

You don't need police, firefighters or Tzivos Hashem to show up in your time of need. This prayerbook-sized, hand-held, mind-meld, can-opener for the soul is available to you for a nominal fee. So, you devil you, turn in your horns or shofars and get cranking!

This year, may we all be incised in the Jaws of Life!
Jangan Lupa JEMPOLNYA... Thanks

Jaws of Life
"Jaws of Life" Was posted by , Thursday, September 16, 2010, at 3:09 PM under category holidays and permalink ID: 5.2012.

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