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The Power of Purse-uation

Updated at: 2:52 PM.
Under Category: relationships
ADS 336x280 Here...
Have you ever wondered why women ask men to hold their purse when they enter the loo? Have you noticed how sheepish, downtrodden, and let's get right to the point, emasculated, a man looks when exposed to the public's scrutinizing eye under such circumstances?

To answer these and other enigmatic questions, we might well start from the following mystery: What do women do when there is no man to hold their purse? Contrary to what any man might imagine, they do not politely ask a stranger, security guard, or passing fellow to be a gent and hold their bag for a bit. What they do will surely surprise you. They take it in with them! But where do they put it, you ask? How do they store it? Surely not on the floor, which is way too unsanitary even without the errant spray of a man? Why, these lone mall-walkers close the door and use the already provided hook to hold their purse, coat, or leashed furry chihuahua!

So why subject a man to this abject torture and humiliation? Plain and simple...she is marking her territory, her man, to let any passing woman know that it's hands off. No oooh-ing, no pursuing and neither shall there be any straying on his part. Notice the shape of the purse. It looks like a lock. She has clamped down upon him and locked him up like a bicycle to a post. The message,"You're mine and you ain't goin' nowheres, baby! There shall be No riding around and certainly NO pursuing today!"
Jangan Lupa JEMPOLNYA... Thanks

The Power of Purse-uation
"The Power of Purse-uation" Was posted by , Wednesday, October 27, 2010, at 2:52 PM under category relationships and permalink ID: 5.2012.

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