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Birdy, Birdy in the Sky...

Updated at: 3:16 PM.
Under Category: Diary
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It was a clear afternoon, blue sky, with a crisp breeze reminding us that spring is really only a term the calendar keeps religiously. With Passover approaching, our office fridge was being cleaned out and the agonizing decision to dispose of 3-week old food was finally made. Pizza needn't go to waste, I thought. I summoned two office colleagues, Thomas and Jerry to watch a miracle. We stood outside the back of our store where our cars were parked in a small lot. "Watch the miracle as manna shall rain towards the heavens," I declared. Then I threw a small piece of pizza up and out of the blue came a flock of seagulls and other small birds, each one vying for the meal rising up to greet them from below. Today there would be no work, just gather the allotted portion. Tommy threw a piece of pizza and hit a gull as he passed over with a prize already in his mouth. I could swear the gull turned to imprint us in his mind.

With the pizza exhausted, as was my throwing arm, the birds settled into idling mode. They lined our roof and the roof perpendicular to ours. They watched and they plotted. They did not leave for hours.

The next day two gulls appeared at our front window crying out and rapping their beaks on the glass. They must have spotted Tommy working in the lab. The gull with the bruised ego apparently was back and he brought a friend. "Don't mess with us, you flockhole," they threatened. Sure enough those two have been depositing memorabilia of yesterday's feast all over our cars and have begun chewing through Tommy's Sirius radio attachment wire. Hitchcock would’ve been proud.
Jangan Lupa JEMPOLNYA... Thanks

Birdy, Birdy in the Sky...
"Birdy, Birdy in the Sky..." Was posted by , Tuesday, April 12, 2011, at 3:16 PM under category Diary and permalink ID: 5.2012.

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