ADS 728x90 Here...

Leak in the Mikva

Updated at: 3:01 PM.
Under Category: kosher,mikva,rant
ADS 336x280 Here...

I knew something was not Kosher when I found myself actually turning the pages of Kashrus Magazine. I noticed an strikingly odd advertisement for a Jewish radio/TV personality. The full page ad touts, "More informative than a trip to the mikva." Now, I'm for all forms of informative radio even though I choose not listen but what exactly is the comparison? And how is the show that-extra-special-something that even mikva information couldn't provide? What on earth is informative about a mikva? Can anybody just show up at the mikva and the librarian-like mikva lady will whip out her card catalog and direct said person to the appropriate reference? Well, I've been trying to get an interview with the mikva lady to delve into those depths but with no success. Apparently things are well covered up even in the mikva.

Was this a feeble attempt at punning whereby 'knowing' a woman in a biblical sense is very intimate knowledge and his program offers intimate knowledge of the issues? Is he implying that he is exceptional at uncovering the issues? Feels like a stretch, even to a punster like me. To be frank, or whomever else you want me to be, it feels like quite an inappropriate use of language in a kosher magazine. I think his advertising agency will be all washed up after this one.

Jangan Lupa JEMPOLNYA... Thanks

Leak in the Mikva
"Leak in the Mikva" Was posted by , Tuesday, October 19, 2010, at 3:01 PM under category koshermikvarant and permalink ID: 5.2012.

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